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Radhabai Kale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Ahmednagar
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Subject Catalog
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Area planning and landscape architecture
Area planning - 711
Landscape architecture - 712
Landscape architecture of trafficways - 713
Natural landscapes - 719
Water features in landscape architecture - 714
Woody plants in landscape architecture - 715
Information technology
Information Technology 11th Commerce
Information Technology 11th Science
Information technology 12th Commerce
Information technology 12th Science
Science, Applied science, Medicine, Engineering and allied operations, Agriculture and related technologies, Home economics and family living, Management and auxiliary services
Personlaity Development
Personality Development General - 028.8
General Books
General Books - 099
General Books 099
Geography and travel
Asian Geography 915
Encyclopedia of Geography 330.030
F.Y.B.A. Text Book Geography 910.072
General Geography 910.01
Geography 910/XI
Geography 910/XII
Graphic representation of surface of earth and of extraterrestrial worlds 912
Historical geography 911
Human Geography 910.03
Indian Geography 915.4
Physical Geography 910.02
Population Geography 304.6
Practical Geography 910.2
S.Y.B.A Text Book Geography 910.073
T.Y.B.A Text Books Geography 910.074
Topical Geography 910.1
Travel Tourism 913.4
Library And Information Science
Administration of the physical plant 022
Documentation 025
General Libraries, archives, information centres 027
Library Science - 020
Personnel administration 023
Reading and use of other information media 028
Relationship of Libraries, archives, information centres 021
541 Physical and theoretical chemistry
541.2 Teoretical chemistry
541.223 Stereochemistry
541.28 Quantum Chemistry
544 Qualitative chemistry
544.6 Spectrochemical (Spectroscopic) Analysis
Analytical chemistry - 543
Chemistry General 540
Chemistry XI
Chemistry XII
Crystallography - 548
F.Y.B.sc Text book 540.072
F.Y.B.sc Practical Chemistry 540.5
Industrial Chemistry 540.62
Inorganic chemistry - 546
Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry - 547
Organic Chemistry 547.01
Physical Chemistry - 541
Physical Chemistry - 541.3
Quantitative analysis - 545
S.Y.B.sc Practical Chemistry 540.6
S.Y.B.sc Text Book Chemistry 540.073
T.Y.B.sc Practical Chemistry 540.7
T.Y.B.sc. Text Book Chemistry 540.074
Techniques,procedures,apparatus,equipment,materials - 542
Graphic arts and decorative arts
Color - 752
Decorative arts - 745
Drawing and drawings - 741
Glass - 748
Interior decoration - 747
Other subjects - 758
Painting and paintings - 750
Textile arts - 746
Marathi Literature
891.460 8Arts. Recreation
891.469 25 Scientists
Hindu Darama 294.5
Lyric and Balladic Poetry 891.46104
Marathi Bhakatigite 891.46105
Marathi Drama 891.462
Marathi Fictions/Katha 891.463
Marathi Novels 891.463
Marathi Poem 891.461
Marathi Reference 891.46
Poloticians 891.463 29
Social Reformers 891.463 61
Social Workers 891.463 62
Manufacture of products for specific uses
Tailoring 687.044
Literature and Rhetoric
American literature in English 810
Agriculture Economics - 338.1
Cooperatives - 334
Economic General - 330
Economic History - 330.9
Economic Planning - 330.124
Economic situation and Conditions 330.9
Economic System - 330.12
Economic Theory and Principles - 330.1
Economic Thought - 330.15
Economics of land and energy - 333
Encyclopedia Of Economic 330.03
F.Y.B.A.B.Com Text Book (Eco) 330.071
Financial economics - 332
Fundamentals of Banking and Finance
Indian Economics Development and growth - 339.5
Indian Economy - 330.54
Indistrial Economics - 338.2
International economics - 337
International Economics / Trade - 382.0
Labour economics - 331
Macro economics and related topics - 339
Monetary Theory - 332.401
Money and Banking - 332.4
National Economics -n 339.3
Production - 338
Production Economics - 338
Public Finance - 336
Reports - 330.6
S.Y.B.A.B.Com Text Books (Eco) - 330.072
Socialism and Related System - 335
Survey and Reports - 333.332
T.Y.B.A.B.Com Text Books (Eco)- 330.073
Transport - 338.47
Social problems and services ; associations
Criminology - 364
Insurance - 368
other Social problems and seva - 363
Social problems and social welfare in general - 361
Social welfare problems and services - 362
Social communication
Economics XII 330.2
Economics XII 330.2
Management and auxilliary services
Accounting 657
Advanced cost accounting and cost system M. Com
Advertising and public relations 659
Auditing 657.45 (T.Y.B.com Text Book)
Business Communication 651.7 S.Y. Bcom(Text)
Communication 651.7 ( S.Y.B.com Text)
Cost Accounting 657.42 (T.Y.B.com Text Book)
F.Y.B.Com Text Book 650.072
Financial Accounting 658.151 1 (F.Y.B.com Text Book)
General management 658
Management 658.075
Office services 651
Process of written communication 652
Research methodology for business, M. Com
S.Y.B.Com Text Book 650.073
Shorthand 653
T.Y.B.Com Text Book650.074
Hindi Literature
Hindi Criticism - 891.4308
Hindi Drama - 891.432
Hindi Essay - 891.434
Hindi Literature - 891.43
Hindi Literature 891.4333
Hindi Novel - 891.433
Hindi Poem - 891.431
Hindi Short Stories - 891.433 01
History of Hindi Literature - 891.430 9
Life Sciences, Biology
Biochemistry 572
Ecology 577
Genetics and evolution 576
Life Science - 570
Microorganisms, fungi, algae 579
Physiology and related subjects 571
Scientific Coaching Manual Material Arts 570
Specific parts of and physiological systems in plants 575
Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology and physiology 573
Algebra, number theory - 512
Arithmetic - 513
F.Y.B.sc Text Book 510.072
General principles of mathematics - 511
Geometry - 516
Geometry 516
Mathematical Analysis - 515.1
Mathematical Analysis 515
MAthematics - 510
Mathematics 510/XI
Mathematics 510/XII
Partial Differential Equations 515.353
Probatilities and applied mathematics - 519
S.Y.B.sc Text Book 510.073
S.Y.B.sc Text Book Math - 510.3
T.Y.B.sc Text Book 510.074
Text book for F Y B Com 510.072
Topology of Spaces 514.3
XI Math Text 510.11
XII Math Text 510.12
Comparative religion and religions other than Christianity
Anya Dharma - 299
Comparative religion - 291
Islam - 297
Religions of Indic origin - 294
Biology, Life Sciences
Biochem Biophysics Biotech Biostat 574.19
Biology 574/XI
Biology 574/XII
Biology General 574
Biology XII
Cell Biology Cytology 574.8
Environment Text Book 614
Environmental Pollution 614.7
Experimental Biology 574.0724
Genetics - 575.1
Microtechnique Microbes - 576
Organic Evolution Development - 575.5
English Poetry
English Poetry - 823
Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias 603
Serial publications 605
Computer Science
Computer Engineering 621.38196
Computer Fundamental 621.38192
Computer General 621.3819
Computer Networks 621.38191
Computer Programming 621.38195
Computer Science 004
F.Y.B.C.A. 004.072
Informetion Techonology 621.3819/XI
Informetion Techonology 621.3819/XII
Internet - 004.678
Operating System 621.3819S
S.Y.B.C.A 004.073
T.Y.B.C.A. 004.074
XI th and XII th (Informetion Tec.) 001.5
Chemical engineering and related technologies
Food technology - 664
Technology of explosives, fuels, related products - 662
Technology of industrial chemicals - 661
Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases - 665
Technology of other organic products - 668
Other literatures
African literature 896
Chinese literature 895
Dravidian literature - 894
East Indo-European literature - 891
Science 500
923.1 Head of state. Reje Ranya. Rastradhyaksha
Bibliographies - 011
Persons Occupied With Education 923.7
Chronology - 529
Earth - 525
Ephemerides - 528
Mathematical Geography - 526
Specific celestial bodies and phenomena - 523
Tecniques, procedures,apparatus,equipments,materials - 522
Architectural structure - 721
Architecture from ancient times to ca. 300........... - 722
Buildings for educational and research purpose - 627
Buildings for religious and related purposes - 726
Design and decoration of structures and accessories - 729
Public structures - 725
Residential and related buildings - 728